So today is day 31 of bunny gestation period and Flopsy was sitting in her nest. She is arranging the straw and appears to be pulling out her fut to make a nest. She is very lazy today we can only hope she is in labor and we will soon have baby bunnies. However, we shall see what happens next.
Yesterday we did some clean up and planted a couple of Buford Hollies around the house.I'm really focusing on simplifying so anything we do not use is going to the dump or to Goodwill. So we've been filling up the
back of Wayne's truck.
I am procrasting on the garden but we have to get this thing under control. Since the twins got here we have not been in the garden. I was surprised to walk out there and find onions, okra & banana peppers were still surviving and producing. I really need to mow between rows and weed the back corner where we grow things in rows and weed out boxes. Sometimes I wonder if life will get back to normal around here?

We have 50 chicks arriving on Wednesday, So Parks will be busy preparing the pool with bedding, food & water and the lights this weekend. We even have a few things to do for our bees too. We still have some more planting to do today, a Camellia and more Hollies (which were on sale!). The garden is over run the bunnies are not producing and my mind keeps drifting to a milk cow or goat. Maybe if we get a goat they can eat all the grass in the garden? Hmmmmm.....
It seems there is always a little something to do around here.Which is good because idle hands are the devils workshop!
Rooster Hill!
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I definitely would not suggest you getting goats to eat the grass in your garden. I had three goats and they ate the grass, the veggies, the fruits, and the gardenia bushes. They do not have self control. I just finished my watermelon harvest two days ago with the last watermelon weighing over 40 lbs. Sounds like your harvest is doing well. Good luck and if you have any questions about worm castings feel free to give me a holler.
Any baby bunnies yet?
I didn't know you had a FARM at Rooster Hill! I just liked the name when I visit your homeschool blog! How neat! We seem to be moving more and more towards a "mini farm" or "hobby farm". Besides the chickens and ducks, we're putting in a much bigger garden this year. I would love to grow enough veggies to eat 100% ours in the summer months and at least 50% in the winter months. We only have about an acre to work with here and that includes the house and driveway...and LOTS of tree shade.
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