"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

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Monday, March 9, 2009

Hatching Eggs

This Month we started on a new adventure of hatching eggs. We purchased an incubator and egg turner (which you cannot use with duck eggs) from Producer's co-op and we put 14 eggs into the incubator. Wayne of course read all the directions and we were off to the races. We wrote down the dates to candle the eggs and we waited. 21 days later we ended up with 9 chicks to add to the flock of layers. We have decided to buy some pure bread Rhode Island Reds & Arucanas (green egg layers) and we will hatch the following birds: Buff Orpington's, Rhode Island Reds, Arucanas and perhaps Barred Rocks. Now we are just waiting on the white duck eggs to hatch.
Happy Homesteading!

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