"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas A. Edison

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Eating off the land

Okay we have crossed another plateau in our homesteading journey. This weekend Wayne butchered our first chicken. We of course consulted our local country living expert (cowboy) Brian who assisted with the butcher & skinning. Yes, you can skin a chicken instead of plucking him if you do not need the skin for cooking. This chicken was an 'egg eater' and she was about 2 years old she is going to be a casserole thus no skin required.

Additionally, our garden is doing really well. Right now our garden is only about 18x18 ish so our rows are about 15' long. But the Lord is providing abundantly through the garden. Our friends the Benavides introduced us to turnips. And we have been growing them the past few months in fact I planted some more to replace the ones we've already harvested. 5 quarts of turnip greens which since I saute them they will provide ample food for a large side or a 1/2 main. I am going to look up how to freeze greens because we will probably end up with 10-12 quarts of greens. The 2 quarts of turnips that will also provide 2 large sides or two 1/2 mains I expect to end up with about a total of 5-6 quarts of turnips. We are also harvesting: green beans, okra, Swiss chard, maybe squash & black eye peas. We are getting ready to plant Spinach, lettuce, beets, carrots, radish. We are slowly starting to work on the site for the new garden which will be about 75X125 and should be large enough to supply our family with all the veggies we will need and maybe even some extras!

Also, most of our young birds are now laying. We are getting about 11 eggs a day again! The birds really seem to like their new feed and the egg production has been pretty consistent. We expect to get 13 eggs a day by the end of this month and about 17 eggs in November. I am not sure how the hens will lay as the days become shorter but we are hoping for the best. So right now I have 3-18 counts ready to be sold plus 18 in the fridge for us!

We'll let you know how the bird tasted as soon as we have some casserole!

Living Simply



Farmer Lita said...

I wanted to introduce you a great variety of Turnip called 'Hakerei' they are just the best. They can be used raw or cooked. They are just beautiful-look like white mushrooms and have a flavor a little less potent then purple top. Thanks for the new post. LRiley

Farmer Lita said...

I wanted to introduce you a great variety of Turnip called 'Hakerei' they are just the best. They can be used raw or cooked. They are just beautiful-look like white mushrooms and have a flavor a little less potent then purple top. Thanks for the new post. LRiley

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