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Monday, June 9, 2008

The Farm Report: What is a production Red and more....

What is a Production Red Chicken

A prodocuction Red is a cross of a Rhode Island Red, New Hamshire Red & a Leghorn. However, some sites say it's just a cross between the RIR and the NHR. Regardless, they lay darker brown eggs than a Barred rock who lays a peachy or light brown egg.The Prodcution Red is touted as the best brown egg layer.

Chickens are suppose to start laying between 4-6 months (16-24 weeks).

We just added our Rhode Island Reds to the flock. It appears that our baby chickens are starting to lay already, they are only 15 weeks old. We had one tiny egg in the hen house. So either some hen out there owes me another 2/3's of an egg or our little hens are laying. Just in case, I did have a discussion with the hens and informed them that, that egg size was unacceptable. I think they understood.

We have inherited what I think are two leghorns so we will be adding a couple of white eggs to each order when they start laying in July. Unless, we have some customers that prefer brown & blue only. Leghorns are the earliest layers and start to lay at about 3 1/2 months and these gals will be 3 1/2 months old in 2 weeks!

Tiny (RIR baby Rooster)is in with the Leghorns (Because my Hens tried to eat/kill him!) but when the new babies get here in on the 25th both the small hens and Tiny are going into the hen house!

Living and learning at Rooster Hill.

Rooster Hill

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